Our Response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

March 16, 2020
To our clients, volunteers, donors and staff,
Today we made the tough decision to close our office to in-person client visits until further notice, although we are doing our best to provide much needed deliveries to our Mobile Market and Meals on Wheels clients. As we all follow the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want you to know that the safety and well-being of WeCAN’s clients, volunteers and staff is our top priority.
We are providing an emergency food bag and personal care items on request to those who need them. Clients are asked to call WeCAN at 952-472-0742 with their request, pull up to our front door and remain in the car, while we deliver the items to the car. None of our site partners are taking appointments at WeCAN at this time, including Hennepin County, Relate Counseling, WIC and MNSure. Adult Basic Ed classes are also on hold.
WeCAN has prepared an action plan for the current situation and will make necessary adjustments as the situation changes in our community. WeCAN is monitoring the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health for updates on measures that need to be taken as it relates to COVID-19.
We will continue to update you with additional changes as they become necessary.
March 12, 2020
To our clients, volunteers, donors and staff:
As we all follow the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want you to know that the well-being of WeCAN’s clients, volunteers and staff is our top priority. WeCAN has prepared a plan for the current situation and will make necessary adjustments as the situation changes in our community.
WeCAN is monitoring the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health for updates on measures that need to be taken as it relates to COVID-19. However, everyone has a role to play in staying healthy and helping prevent the spread of the virus. Individuals can practice everyday prevention measures:
Frequently clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cough or sneeze into a flexed elbow or tissue. Throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands.
Do not share drink containers, utensils, or other personal use items.
Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick or has a fever and cough.
Do not travel if you are sick. If you have a fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, seek medical care.
Our focus is to ensure that we continue to meet our clients’ needs to the best of our ability, while doing our part to keep the health and well-being of our volunteers, clients and staff as our highest priority. Additionally, we are taking extra measures to ensure a clean and healthy work environment.
We will continue to update you with any changes to our regular service schedule should that become necessary. Thank you for your continued support as we face this challenging time together.
Christopher Anderson
Executive Director